
Martial Canterel’s Sean McBride is one of the progenitors of American cold synth sounds of the 21st Century. He recorded under the name Moravagine and sent a demo to genetic who were immediately enthusiastic about this unknown artist. The demos needed remastering and the project name Moravagine could not be officially used as it was already taken, so Sean used his other moniker „Martial Canterel“. He had been releasing limited edition cassettes and plaid Brooklyn as Martial Canterel since 2002. The debut album „Confusing Outsides“ released 2005 on genetic music is a favourite especially in Europe. Since then, McBride’s bleak intellectual exercises in the dark and danceable have become very popular around the world. From 2007 on Sean released on his friend Pieter’s newly founded Wierd Records label in New York. With an inimitable minimal style merging bright, urgent melodies ornamented and punctuated by the noises of industry and McBride’s sonorous, stern vocals, Martial Canterel’s releases have garnered both critical acclaim and a rapidly growing rabid fanbase. Through the collision of a uniquely humanistic means of production via live analogue synthcraft expertly paired with vocals and lyrics that reflect the pitfalls and pleasures of our age, Martial Canterel is an admired live act all over the world.
Sean is also part of the duo „Xeno And Oaklander“ together with New York artist Liz Wendelbo.